Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Not So Funday

It's Sunday early evening and I'm working....something that next to no one in France can say they are doing at this time!  Most of my friends are finishing up their day of skiing, and I'm here working.

O and did I mention that my boss hasn't paid us?  Yep, our pay was due on Feb's Feb 24.  What a great guy, I'm so happy to work over my weekend extra hours on his project.

On another note...the hubs and I are fighting (over working all weekend & still not being preggo).

Basically this morning went like this:
-Woke up...took a pregnancy test.  I'm due for AF (aunt Flow) on was NEGATIVE...just like the other 50 I've taken thus far.  I'm defeated, but honestly it's expected since we only tried 4 times (due to David working until 1-4am every single night this month) so I wasn't that upset.
-David rolled over about an hour after that, I told him it was wierd that the test was negative since I'm having a few funny symptoms. He proceeded to tell me that I need to stop stressing, that it will happen when its meant to happen, that I shouldn't get so worked up.
Which in turn MAKES ME worked up & upset ab the situation. I start to feel shitty, and like I will never get preggo.
-We leave for church, where I proceed to church.  How embarrassing!! I was atleast able to pull myself together for communion.
-After church we poured drinks at reception, where everyone gathers for a bit of socializing.  Here a friend proceeds to ask when we're having kids.  I take a deep breath, trying not to cry, and say that we're leaving it up to God (since we've tried everything known to man, I didn't tell him this, but I was def thinking it!).

And now it's 6pm, and I should be in full relatxation mode, but NOPE...I'm working. 

What is today's lesson??  Hmmm....that God has a master plan for an amazing child and an amazing career for David & me and that I just need to have a little patience!!  Shit, I hope so!

Oh and did I mention that David's drug addict, loser friend ( I use that term loosely, more like an acquaintance) just had a baby yesterday.  Oh and he has medical debit (from a drug overdose) of something like $40k.  Great guy, totally deserving of a child.  Lesson to be learned here?? Life isn't fair!!

Awesome weekend, can't wait for the week!

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