Monday, July 29, 2013

Medieval Festival in Eze Village!

This Sunday I wanted to get out of Monaco, and forget about the baby that I lost, and the surgery and all of the other things...and just escape to a different time and place.  So what did I do?  Went to the Eze Village Medieval Festival (called Fête médiévale in French)!!

It was great, we left around 2:30pm and jumped on the motorcycle on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.  The sun was out and it was HOT! It's a beautiful short drive from Monaco to Eze, just 10 minutes.  Not to mention the breathtaking views from the drive. Funny enough it was the first time I had been to Eze to explore the village (the only other time I just came for dinner at the famed "Chevre d'Or" restaurant when mom & dad were paying!). I can't believe that I waited over a year & a half to make it to Eze!

Entering the festival you feel like you're going back in time.  From vendors selling costumes, to cheese, to swords & shields for kids. There were tents set up, and even a tavern to partake in some roasted pig and a beer! We had an excellent time exploring the village, and enjoying the medieval music and actors, and sights.

Here are some pics from our adventure!

Guys in a tent...putting on their armor.

Strange bat-like costumed men

Stunning views!

Practice sword fighting!
At the entrance to the festival!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Surgery to Remove Ectopic Pregnancy

Finally home from surgery to remove my ectopic pregnancy.
Everything went very smoothly. Here's a run down:

11:30am: check in & realize that we have to leave a check because our insurance is through Monaco and the clinic is in Nice, France.  It's just a "caution" check, which they will rip up once we come to pay our final bill. Only problem being, that we don't have a checking account in France.  OOOPS....we proceed to frantically call friends who live nearby.  My dear, sweet friend Marion agrees!  Phew....

12:30: All settled into my room with the awesome blue robe they give you.  They ask me to take 2 pills which apparently will make me sleepy. The sweetest nurse named Aida puts in my IV, and has a quick chat with me.  She's lebanese and speaks pretty good english.  I'm trying to practice my french...which is going pretty well.

1:30: Don't feel sleepy at all

2pm: Man comes to wheel me down to surgery. He proceeds to leave me and 2 other women lined up against the wall near the sink where the surgeons wash up before surgery.  I'm shaking because it's freezing and I'm nervous. Some woman comes over and asks me a few questions, all of which is in my chart in front of her.

2:10: They wheel me into the operating room and I climb onto the operating table. They proceed to put my legs into some strange stirrup thing and velcro them in and put a blanket over me filled with hot air.  I finally start to feel warm.

2:15: Anesthesiologist(super friendly, handsome guy who speaks amazing english) puts the oxygen mask over my nose & mouth and he must have also injected something into my IV because I don't remember anything after that.

???: Wake up in recovery room. This room is full of about 8 other women. I feel pretty lucid, and start to get annoyed that they aren't taking me upstairs back into my room.

4:45pm: Back upstairs in my room, where David & Marion are waiting for me.  I'm so happy to see them, although I'm in a bit of pain around my shoulder.  Apparently the shoulder pain is from the procedure and is completely normal.

5:30: Everyone leaves and I fall asleep (and am in & out of sleep all night until 6:30am)
Me being wheeled back into my room after surgery (smiling at Marion & David)

In the morning I was keen to get out quickly....but it seemed to drag on.  I was able to have a chat (in French) with the woman I was sharing the room with. She was going through the exact same thing!  However she was 39 and a smoker (both risk factors of ectopic).  She went on to tell me, that ectopic pregnancies occur more often in summer months.  Which was an interesting piece of information.
Finally, I buzzed the nurse, asking why I was still waiting...apparently we were waiting for my doctor to call.  Dr. Delorme calls around 12:15 (I was expecting to leave around 11am).  Says that I'm free to go home, and asks that I get another HCG test on Friday & give him a call.

We leave the clinic and take the bus...which was a hot, smelly uncomfortable mess. We stop for a quick bite at one of my fave lunch restaurants on Nice, Bagel History.  I'm devastated when I'm told they are out of hot dogs.  It was the ONE THING I wanted :( Oh well, the central park bagel sandwich was still pretty good! Then we walk from the middle of Jean Medcin to the train station....which is maybe 3-4 blocks.  But when you just had surgery, it's not a fun walk!  My pain started to really kick in just as I was getting off the train in Monaco.  It was all I could do to walk up the stairs at my apartment building.

The Procedure:
Basically the doctor made 3 incisions: one in my belly button (which is now properly massacred), one just below my belly button, and a third above my pelvic bone. Then injected air into my stomach cavity so that they could get the camera in to have a look.  Basically the doctor could not find the embryo, so he flushed my fallopian tubes.

The Outcome:
The doctor came by around 5pm to talk to me about the surgery.  He explained how he was unable to find the baby, but assumed it was expelled when he cleared the fallopian tubes.  He was happy to report that both my fallopian tubes are now nice & clear...which should prevent another ectopic. I got the HCG blood work back just before I left the hospital today and it was half what it was on Monday.  Which is great news, meaning it was successful!

How I'm feeling Post-Op:
LIKE SHIT!  Just kidding....I like to think of myself as a tough girl.  But basically I can't stand up straight.  Walking around Nice for a few blocks was probably a bad idea. But I'm home now with my legs up and just popped a few Advil.  I'll prob take a nap in a few!
Mentally, I'm feeling pretty ok with the entire situation.  I think it's because I'm trying to be positive and have a good outlook for the next pregnancy!  I'm just praying that we won't have to wait too too long, since patience isn't really my forte!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Update on our Pregnancy

So lots has happened since my last blog entry, so I wanted to bring everyone up to speed!

As you recall from my last post the doctor was unable to find the baby, but we were hoping it was because it was too early.  He ordered a beta HCG test...meaning they would check the HCG (pregnancy hormone) level on Tuesday, and then have a look again on Friday because of the fact that healthy pregnancies HCG doubles every 48-72 hours.

Tuesday my HCG level was 179.9.  A very normal level, no cause for concern.

Friday my HCG level was 233.  NOT GOOD.  I had just picked up my results from the hospital, knowing they were bad I quickly called my husband to tell him the bad news. After that my phone rang was the nurse from the doctors office.  She said that the HCG test wasn't good, and that the doc wanted to see me on Monday after another HCG test in the morning.

My world came crashing down.  This was the worst day of my life. To go from the excitement of the next 9 months, to knowing that my baby was in harm was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Hubs and I had a serious conversation, trying to be positive and understand that there was a reason the baby wasn't going to make it (chromosome issue or maybe even developmental issue). Trying to keep the faith, knowing that God had a bigger plan for us.

Monday, I dutifully wake up & go get my 3rd HCG test. And at 2pm, I arrive at the doctors office.  After a painful 40 min wait, he calls us back.  Again reiterating that there is a problem, and that the third number is still very low (328).  Strange that the levels are rising, but alarming that the rate is so slow. He says that if it's in the uterus hopefully it will pass naturally.  We have a look via ultrasound, and once again he can not find anything. He has a hunch that the pregnancy is ectopic, meaning that the embryo implanted in the ovary or fallopian tube instead of the uterus. This is a potentially life threatening issue, because if the fallopian tube (or ovary) bursts it can also burst the nearby artery which would cause massive internal bleeding.

He gives us 2 options:
1.  To wait another week and have 2 more HCG tests, and then eventually have the laporoscopy surgery to remove the fetus.
2. Go ahead and have the laporoscopy surgery tomorrow.

I don't hesitate.  Why keep dragging this out?  Let's get the surgery tomorrow! He fills out the paperwork, and by this time tomorrow it will all be over with.  The good news is that while I'm under he will also do the HSG dye procedure to check my fallopian tubes for any blockages.  This procedure has been known to "unblock" tubes for some women.  I have my fingers crossed that this will be the magic procedure that will eliminate the threat of another ectopic pregnancy.

Say some prayers for us, and hopefully I will have a speedy recovery!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Drum Roll Please......

Wondering why I've been so quiet???  It's because WE'RE PREGNANT! We are so so excited...especially since it took Clomid, Estradoil, Progesterone, Acupuncture and yoga to make it work for us!

Here's a run down of everything:

12, June: First day of my period (we were in Venice!!)

30, June: According to my BBT(basal body temperature)...I ovulated

9, July (9 DPO): Hubby makes yummy steak with blue cheese and fig jelly for dinner and I just couldn't stomach it.  I ate 1/2 and pushed the plate to him to finish.  Hummm...that's weird, I love steak with blue cheese and fig jelly.  Maybe something is up.

10, July (10 DPO): 6AM take a home pregnancy test, fall back asleep 45 min later wake up and FAINTLY see two lines...."Holy Shit, David....we're pregnant" I say as he's fast asleep.  It takes him a minute to wake up and I show him the test.  He confirms seeing a second line.
BUT WAIT, It was after the 10 minutes, the results are invalid according to the directions. Merde...I start freaking out!
Immediately I google the test brand and get tons of bad comments about evaporation lines, and how they don't work properly.  So I'm excited, but not getting my hopes up too much since everyone seems to think they suck!
Have pretty bad cramps, feeling sick before dinner, tender nipples and constipation.

11, July (11 DPO): 6AM take another home pregnancy test, wait patiently and after 3 minutes I can clearly see a line.  OK ok, again don't want to get too excited about this since the reviewers said that that this test brand wasn't accurate.
Have the same symptoms as yesterday and throw in a little fatigue. Before lunch (at 11am) I go running for the bathroom thinking I'm going to be sick. Get all flushed, nearly vomit, then get red all over and a little itchy.  Strange?!?!

12, July (12 DPO): 7am take another home pregnancy test (PS. I got a pack of 20 of these on Amazon for like $10). It immediately shows a 2nd line again, and this time it's darker.  Ok, that's a good sign. Seems like the HCG in my body is increasing.
Decide that I need a second opinion, I must go buy another brand to test with for tomorrow.  Run to the pharmacy and purchase "une test de grossess".
Symptoms today include: cramps, nipple tenderness and constipation.

13, July (13 DPO): 7am, take the new brand of home pregnancy test(the pink test in the pic)....double line in 5 min. Ok...Now I'm pregnant!  Now we can celebrate!!
9am go for a 2 hour hike above Eze Village, and I can barely make it.  I'm huffing and puffing....what the f??  I normally run 2 times a week. Not that I run far, but I'm running and in decent shape.  We went hiking with a 65 year-old man, who was leaving me in the dust and I can normally keep up with him.  WOW!!

14, July (14 DPO): Time to break out the digital test!!  Within 6 minutes it confirmed that I am indeed "Enciente", approximately 2-3 weeks after conception! Yay! It's finally starting to settle in, we're PREGNANT!!
Again same symptoms cramping (mild today), exhausted and nipple tenderness.

15, July (TODAY): I had originally had a HSG scheduled for today, and on Thursday I went ahead and changed the appointment to my first pre-natal appointment!  Went in to see the doc, who immediately made me undress for an ultrasound.
He starts poking around and doesn't seem to see anything :( Oh no...I'm freaking out.  "When did you have your blood test to confirm your pregnancy?" he asked me.  Oh no, I haven't had one yet.  Sorry!
He proceeds to write me a prescription for the blood draw and makes me reschedule for 10 days later.
Been doing some Google research and it seems quite normal to find nothing at 4 1/2 weeks. Trying to make myself feel better, trying to make myself not freak out!

So tomorrow, I'm off to the hospital for the first of my 2 beta HCG blood draws.  Basically, they measure my levels tomorrow and then again on Friday to see if they are properly increasing, which would indicate a healthy pregnancy.

Here's a pic of me from today....4 weeks, 5 days pregnant and no bump yet!

We're cautiously optimistic, and smiling from ear to ear...trying to not tell everyone since we know at this point there's around a 10% chance of miscarriage. Mom & Dad know, and a couple of other people....will tell more after our next doc visit!

Will keep you posted on my weekly progress, but I promise not to turn this into a pregnancy blog....I will do my best to keep up with our goings on in and around the Principality of Monaco!