Thursday, April 4, 2013

Favorite Things about Living in Monaco

So I started to make a list with all of my favorite things about living in Monaco....

-Dogs are allowed everywhere

-Opera / symphony / ballet / vernissage every single night of the week and weekend!

-The beach and the sea

-Fireworks for every occassion (Easter, Christmas, fireworks competition in July, summer, and more!)

-Cafe on every corner

-Now owning a car...taking the bus and public transportation everywhere!

-Learning to live in a small space (sounds strange, but I LOVE this)

-The mountains! Definitely none of those in Miami!

-Learning to listen.  This too sounds strange, but since I don't speak the language I have to listen more and speak's taught me a lot about myself.  It's also a good tool to have, which I'm happy to have developed!

-Learning to live at a slower pace.  My life was one big rush, from one thing to the next in Miami.  Living in Monaco has taught me to slow down, that much is wasted in the rush.  I have learned to enjoy the small moments, and slower pace of life.

-The way that the French & Monegasque think!  Honestly, they do think differently than Americans, which is very refreshing and insightful.

-Dessert.  In Miami, I never ordered dessert or had coffee after dinner.  Here I nearly always take a coffee or dessert or BOTH. Again, I think this goes hand-in-hand with the slower pace of life.

-Wine and champagne.  These were some of my fave things in Miami as well, but they seem to taste better here :)

-Not making plans!  In Miami I had a habit of jamming my weekend with plans, and here we just go with the flow and rarely make plans.  We seem to enjoy the "spur of the moment" things more so here than we ever did in Miami.

I know that there are a million other things....maybe I will publish a "Part 2" in a few months as I continue to think of more things.

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